Classification and Status of Edition

ordered by series

The New Schubert Edition is subdivided by genre and is generally arranged in chronological order within each genre.

One exception to this rule occurs with the lieder, where, for the first time since their initial publication, the opuses issued during Schubert’s lifetime (roughly one-third of his lieder) appear in the order chosen by the composer himself. Despite a widely held belief to the contrary, these opuses were not compiled on an arbitrary basis, but in accordance with clearly discernible principles. For further information see Walther Dürr, Die Lieder-Serie der Neuen Schubert-Ausgabe. Zu Schuberts Ordnung eigener Lieder, Musica 40 (1986), pp. 28–30 (Download here).

The current version of the editorial guidelines on which the New Schubert Edition is based can be downloaded here.

Gliederung quer

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I/3: Messen III

Kritischer Bericht

von Walther Dürr und Doris Finke-Hecklinger
Tübingen 1981
ISBN 3-936187-13-4
Umfang: 64 Seiten

Die Kritischen Berichte ergänzen die in den jeweiligen Bänden der Neuen Schubert-Ausgabe abgedruckten Quellen und Lesarten. In den Kritischen Berichten finden sich Lesarten und Anmerkungen geringeren Gewichts, aber auch die ausführliche Handschriftenbeschreibung und Quellenbewertung.

Bestellungen direkt bei der Neuen Schubert-Ausgabe (Tübingen) oder über den Buchhandel.

The Critical Report is an addition to the Quellen und Lesarten published within each volume of the New Schubert Edition. Every Critical Report includes less significant readings and annotations as well as descriptions of the different sources and their filiation.

You can order directly at the New Schubert Edition (Tübingen) or via your local bookseller.
